
  • Our pastoral care phone number is one way to reach out when you need support in the form of prayer, a visit from a minister, or home communion:


  • In the past few weeks, I have been thinking about what the Music Ministry at Grace has looked like in the past and what it may look like in the future.  I have slowly come to the realization that having a traditional 4-part choir - as we have had for the past few years - may not be the most effective or successful at this time.  I still want to engage the congregation in music somehow.  There are two different approaches to building our music ministry that I had in mind:

    1. Hymn-Singing: In lieu of a choir that rehearses one songs for weeks and culminating in a performance, we can come together to practice hymns that will be sung in upcoming services.  The intention would be to help everyone feel more comfortable with the service music, especially unfamiliar hymns.  We could also work on basic singing practices (such as warm-ups and basic technique) if there is interest.  This would occur each Sunday after coffee hour from 12:00-12:30 and would be open to anyone that chooses to participate.  Singing different hymns each week would allow for people to attend when they are available, instead of relying on regular attendance each week.

    2. Children's Choir: Instead of focusing on building adult voices, this would be centered around the children of Grace during our Sunday School program.  I would come and work with the children present at Sunday School on songs that would be sung during service.  In the short-term, we could plan to prepare music for our Children's Pageant and the Family Christmas Service at 4:00pm on Christmas Eve.  Any adult that also wants to sing (or lend assistance with children) would be welcomed to come sing with us.  Beyond the Christmas season, children would learn music that is sung on a weekly basis (such as the Gloria and the Sanctus) and could possibly perform other music for special occasions.

    I am looking for your feedback in implementing these programs.  Do you think they would be valued and enriching?  Would you (or your children) be willing to participate?  How do you think our strengths at Grace could be used in terms of music?  If there is something you would like to see with the music programming at Grace, please share those ideas (even if they are not related to the two ideas above).  I want the music experience at Grace to be fulfilling for anyone that worships with us.  Thank you for your thoughts and for all of the years you have made me feel welcomed at Grace.  I'm looking forward to many more years of wonderful music with you all!


    Fill out the survey here or in the back of the church.

  • While shelf-stable food contributions are always appreciated, it seems we could use personal care items like soap, hand sanitizer, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and feminine care products. Please bring your donations inside and put them by the bookshelves (near the kitchen). Thank you! 

  • Sign up is in the back of the church.

    Suggested donation of $30

    If you would prefer, to pay by cash or check, call or email the office.

    In order to get the dedication in the bulletin in time for printing, we need to receive your information and donation at least 2 weeks before the date you are reserving.


  • In the Episcopal Church, we affirm that “Holy baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble.” (Book of Common Prayer, 298). We baptize children and adults who haven’t yet been baptized.

    If you’re interested in being baptized or in having your child baptized, please speak with Pastor Charlotte. Pentecost Sunday, May 19, is an especially appropriate day for baptisms, but we’ll work with your calendar, too.

    Confirmation and Reception into the Episcopal Church (from other Christian denominations) are rites of initiation that formalize our relationship to the Episcopal branch of the Christian Church and to this diocese and parish, in particular. Bishop Paula will preside at four services Confirmation and Reception  liturgies around the diocese: 

    September 14, 11 am at St. James Cathedral, Chicago

    If you’d like to prepare for and be part of one of these services, speak with Pastor Charlotte. 

  • Grace will be collecting metal (only substantially metal objects) for a Fall Junk Drive.  Drained yard equipment, any reasonably clean metal object that can be handled by Dave, is welcome and will be properly recycled.  Aluminum and copper bring by far the greatest return!  This includes our usual aluminum pop can recycling, of which donations are welcome year round in the black kitchen bin or dropped bagged by the middle garage door.  Proceeds are used to purchase gas cards for local distribution for people in need. Questions?  Contact me directly or through the office.  

    Thanks, Dave Poole 

  • There are many ways to be part of the ongoing ministry happening at and through Grace, and it’s fun! You can pick up a hard copy of the form at church or fill it out here.

  • The Parish Directory is available by request from a member of the church. Call the office for a copy. Thank you!

  • We need readers, Lay Eucharist Ministers, Ushers, Acolytes & a Coffee Hour Host. Please check out the sign up HERE and pick a Sunday you can volunteer or you can call the office to sign up. (The entire year of Sunday's is available to sign up.)